Happy Thanksgiving everyone, hope you all had a blast. Things have been pretty slow over here. We’re essentially waiting to get to Baghdad, and I really can’t wait until we get there. That’s because once we do, I can start doing what I’ve been trained to do. Thanksgiving was interesting. The day started with us…
Author: vivin
Over Here – Day 88
Finally, I – we, are here. A landscape foreign, yet familiar. A desert of a different kind. For me, the sight meant a little more since it reminded me of where I grew up. It’s funny how when you fly, your entire period of travel stretches out into one long day. My wake-up at Ft….
Over Here – Day 85
Well, it’s finally here. I’m leaving for Iraq. I guess the question on all your minds is “How do you feel?”. To be very honest, I am excited. I can’t wait to get out of here – this place with it’s cold and wet weather, and get to Iraq and get my job done. The…
Over Here – Day 75
This is going to be a bit of a long one, with a bunch of pictures too! I’ll start off with where I left off last time. We got to Yakima on the 21st, which was a Friday. It was good seeing everyone in my section after a week and of course, they were giving…
Over Here – Day 54
Firstly, there are lot of pictures in this post, so be patient while the page loads, and secondly, sorry about not having written in a while. We’ve been pretty busy over the last three or four weeks, and whatever free time I got was spent in talking to friends, hanging out with my buddies here,…
Over Here – Day 34
The past few days have been pretty easy. Once we finished MOUT training, we had about 9-10 days off before we start any new training. I was able to get a 3-day pass to fly out to LA to see my parents before they left for Oman. The timing worked out perfectly with everyone being…
Over Here – Day 21
As of a few days ago, it has been the longest time that I’ve been under Title 10 (Active Duty) since I underwent training at Fort Lee for my 92A (Automated Logistics Specialist) MOS (Military Occupational Specialty). It doesn’t feel all that bad right now. The first week was the hardest. I missed my friends…
Over Here – Day 12
I’ve changed the title of my blog to “Over Here” – a play on the FOX network show Over There. I hope I don’t get sued or anything. The last few days have been pretty busy. We got in here on Monday morning. Once I walked out of the aircraft, a blast of cold air…
It’s finally here
Tonight is the last light I will sleep as a civilian. Although technically I came under orders on the 26th of August, it’s only tonight that I feel, is my last night as a civilian. Starting tomorrow, I am a full-time soldier for at least a year and a half, waking up at o-dark-thirty every…
Google Talk/Google IM
Google has come out with their instant messaging program. This seems to be unofficial; the only mentions I can see are on this Slashdot article, and the website I linked to. You should be able to get it to work using any Jabber client. I’ve been trying to get it to work on Trillian, but…