I’ve changed the title of my blog to “Over Here” – a play on the FOX network show Over There. I hope I don’t get sued or anything. The last few days have been pretty busy. We got in here on Monday morning. Once I walked out of the aircraft, a blast of cold air…
Tag: army national guard
It’s finally here
Tonight is the last light I will sleep as a civilian. Although technically I came under orders on the 26th of August, it’s only tonight that I feel, is my last night as a civilian. Starting tomorrow, I am a full-time soldier for at least a year and a half, waking up at o-dark-thirty every…
So this whole “going to war” thing is a huge deal. Obviously. There are many reasons why I don’t want to go, and then there are reasons that I must. But anyway, that is not the point. Sometimes I think that getting away from here for about a year would be good. An escape? I…
Going to War
Maybe it was close to a month and a half ago, perhaps two months. I don’t recall correctly – as strange as that sounds. I should be able to recall an event so significant. I chose to join the Armed Forces of the United States in what was a relatively peaceful time. It was on…
I got promoted to Specialist! Woohoo!
What Drill?
Ha! I did everything yesterday I wasn’t supposed to do. One Margarita and five shots of Tequila. Everyone found out that it was my birthday and bought me drinks. That wasn’t it too. I danced. A LOT. But get this – they had this dance circle going. I was supposed to dance with every girl…
My Birthday
Today was my birthday! But tomorrow I have drill… and a PT test. Argh! Of course, it HAD to be on the day of my birthday. I was planning to have a great time too… We’re having a fundraiser today at this restaurant called Peruanitos. I won’t be staying all that late and I won’t…
AIT Ball Pictures
I’ve uploaded pictures from the AIT Ball I attended while in training at Fort Lee. More pictures from Fort Lee will be added when I get the opportunity.
Stuff at my unit
Had drill this weekend. It was alright. Went to Florence and had a lot of crap to put into the database. BORING. Slept out in the open at night. Those Army sleeping bags are awesome. They keep you real warm. I woke up in the middle of the night wondering where the hell I was….
I got a letter yesterday from one of my buddies who trained with me in Fort Lee. It was a pleasant surprise. In some ways I wish I was back in Fort Lee… I know I was always saying I couldn’t wait to get back home… but I wouldn’t mind another week in Fort Lee……