Two weeks ago, I finally got my DSL upgrade from a measly 3Mbps to a whopping (for me) 12Mbps. I have been on 3Mbps since 2004, and the difference is amazing. I’m able to stream HD quality stuff from Netflix all the time! Qwest set me up with an Actiontec Q1000 router/modem, which as far…
Category: Hosting
Bumped Up
I bumped up my line speed from 640k/256k to 1.5M/896k. Expect faster downloads from here!
Hard Drive
I got my 80 gig Maxtor HD today. Woohoo! I’m also getting my block of IP’s today. I’ve switched over from Qwest to FastQ. I should have everything set up by Sunday… Then it’s off to Cali for Spring Break!
I’ve placed an order with Qwest to change my ISP to FastQ. I’ll be talking to FastQ tomorrow so I can figure out what I’ll need to change on my current network connection. Probably just the DNS entires I think. I will also need to ask them about Static IP’s. I want to get that…
IE6 just had to make it HARDER with their P3P compatibility. On top of that, my stupid domain name providers have some bizarre convention where they put the actual page (where or refers to) inside a STUPID FRAME. So when I run the P3P validator, it finds p3p.xml alright, but it’s inside a…
Netfirms is nice
I got my self an account on They are a pretty good hosting service. You can run cgi scripts too. I was originally running my cgi scripts off a server at work, but we took that server down during the summer. I lost all my cgi scripts… sucks… Anyways, I made a new bAdkOde.cgi…
Random Curse Generator
For lack of better things to do, I added a random curse generator of my own creation to this page. Now you are greeted with a random curse everytime you come here. I used to have a popup version a while ago, but now it writes out to the page. Oh and one more thing….