I’ve finished work on the projects page. Sometimes I’ll have a passing interest in something that leads me to write some code for fun. Yes, you read right. I like to code… for fun. Anyway, this is something I’ve done ever since I started programming way back in 1991. I’ve written a bunch of cool…
Author: vivin
Malayalam linguistics question
This is a question in linguistics. Or something. I am hoping that the 3.5 readers of this blog will have some input regarding this. There I was, on Wikipedia, as usual. On a slightly related tangent, let me just say that Wikipedia provides me an excellent outlet for all this useless knowledge that I have…
Why the Wii wins
I bought myself a Nintendo Wii in February. I really wanted one because it looked like fun, and I also really wanted to play The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. I tried to get one in December, which didn’t happen because they were all sold out. In February, I went to Best Buy to get…
On Friday, I got my citizenship. Michael and I barely made it there. We left at about 7:00 am. The ceremony didn’t start until 9:00 am. Once we got to downtown Phoenix, I realized that I didn’t have my wallet, which meant I had no ID whatsoever. So I drove (average speed between 100-110 mph)…
Cyclone in Oman
This morning, I found out from my dad that there is a cyclone in Oman. At first he told me that there were heavy rains and I thought that was odd because it never rains in Oman this time of year. Then he said that it was due to a cyclone (that’s what hurricanes are…
AACS-LA to take action against bloggers
BBC News is reporting that the AACS copy protection body is going to go after bloggers who posted the HD-DVD processing key. “Some people clearly think it’s a First Amendment issue. There is no intent from us to interfere with people’s right to discuss copy protection. We respect free speech. “They can discuss the pros…
Spread this number
09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0 What do those numbers mean, and why are they so important? That number is the HD-DVD processing key for most movies released so far. This means that using this key, you can decrypt and watch movies on Linux (if…
My Clip on NBC Nightly News
A while back, I uploaded clip I made on to my website. It was just a clip of us soldiers being silly. Anyway, after I came back from war, I uploaded that clip to YouTube. My initial comments were something like “lyk yeah whatevr that is so stupied”. I didn’t take those seriously, especially since…
Running aterm (or any other X app) rootless, without a DOS console on Cygwin
This guide is outdated. Please check out the updated version of this guide here. On any system that I plan to use for an extended period of time, I will always install Cygwin. This is mainly because I like have UNIX tools on Windows, and also so that I can use the console to do…
Sorry about not writing for so long. I was slowly getting back to “normal life” and I felt kinda apathetic about writing. Then when I actually felt like writing, my internet connection went down. It’s a long story, and I’ll talk about it later, but basically I have no more static IP’s. But I’m so…