Buckyballs and Zen Magnets make nearly identical magnetic toys. Zen Magnets started a campaign where they sold both sets on eBay and asked customers to compare. Buckyballs CEO responded with a legal threat, and Zen Magnets posted a video on YouTube responding to their threat, showing how to compare the quality of both the toys….
Author: vivin
Anonymous self-invoked recursive-function in Javascript
I needed to do an n-ary tree traversal recently with some Javascript code that I’m working on and I initially wrote an iterative n-ary tree-traversal algorithm (using a node stack with a while loop). I wanted to keep track of some extra (depth-dependent) data during the traversal and I didn’t like the way I was…
Downtime and System Upgrade
Sorry for the downtime. My webserver had a failing hard-drive and I figured that while I was replacing the hard-drive, I would upgrade the entire machine as well. The box was a Pentium 4 1.4Ghz with 512MB of RAM that I hadn’t upgraded since I first built it in 2002. Now it’s been upgraded to…
Giving toys to kids in Iraq
This is an old video; I just found it. I uploaded it to YouTube since you can’t view it on the original DVIDS site. When I was in Iraq our unit commander’s (CPT Callaway) mother sent a bunch of toys over to us. We took these toys and handed them out to Iraqi kids.
Download ShapeWriter APK
I tried to install ShapeWriter from the Android Marketplace yesterday and couldn’t find it (I was trying to reinstall it after flashing my phone with Cyanogenmod 5.0.8). After searching the interwebs, I found out that it had been removed from the marketplace on June 20th indefinitely (supposedly for QA issues). Luckily I had backed up…
StackOverflow FAIL
I saw this question on StackOverflow today. I thought it was hilarious!
Some pictures taken with my Nikon D3000
I bought a new camera a few months ago. It is a Nikon D3000 and it is my very first DSLR. I’ve always had point-and-shoot cameras and I’ve tried to take nice pictures with them, but they were obviously lacking. I finally decided to take the plunge and buy an actual DSLR. I got a…
The XBOX is a piece of shit
Thanks Microsoft. I have a console that’s barely over a year old and I already have an open tray error. I bought a new console because my old one died after I sent it back to you TWICE. It also had an open tray error. Thanks a lot Microsoft for MAKING SUCH A SHITTY CONSOLE….
vim: removing blank lines
This always seems to get me and I have to figure it out every time. Sometimes I have files with blank lines and I want to get rid of them. Here is how you do it in vim (one of the many ways, actually). First you want to get rid of whitespaces: :%s/^\s\+$// Note: I…