This is more of a “note to self” than a “how to”. If you’re trying to distribute tag files in a JAR, you need to put them under /META-INF/tags. You then need to create a TLD file that you also put under /META-INF/tags. If you have tags or functions that you created in Java, and…
Tag: custom tags
JSTL, instanceof, and hasProperty
I’ve been doing a little bit of JSTL over the past week, especially custom tags. I’ve written custom tags in Grails before, and there you use actual Groovy code. I guess this was how custom tags used to be written (in Java), but now you can can build your own custom tags using the standard…
Creating a custom SELECT tag with OPTGROUP in Grails
I’ve recently started working with Groovy on Grails at work. Groovy is a dynamic language that runs on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine), and Grails is a high-productivity open-source web-application framework that leverages the Groovy language. Grails follows the “convention over configuration” principle, taking away a lot of the grunt work that goes into creating…
Formatting Tools
I added some formatting tools to the Comment Submission form. I need to change some of the images to better describe what they do. They should be mostly self-explanatory though. If you hover your mouse over the button, a little tooltip should appear, telling you what it does. If you click a button without selecting…
Dialogue Tag
I’ve made a new tag that makes it easier for me to make “dialogue tables” (like the one a couple of entries down). I love it! It’s pretty sweet! Custom tags rule! Woohoo! Oh yeah, regular expressions rule too! Here’s how to use them: You start of with a [dialogue] tag. Inside the tag, you…