Sharity-Lite stopped working… No, wait… Actually it might have been my Windows machine. Ever since I installed that piece-of-crap Xilix ISE and ModelSim software my computer has been acting weird. It wouldn’t authenticate requests from Sharity-Light. The only way I could mount drives was if I enable simple file sharing. I couldn’t have that… I…
Tag: cups
CUPS working
Got CUPS working. I really should document my work… smb://vivin@excelsior/HPDeskjet812C… Anyways, all I have left to do is set up the colour scheme and stuff like that… of KDE… and install Mozilla again… Fun… Fun…
FreeBSD 5.0
Installed FreeBSD 5.0. Of course, nothing went as planned. I downloaded the ISO’s and burned them, but the CD’s turned out to be worthless as they wouldn’t boot. Don’t know why. So I ended up with a couple of coasters. I decided to do it instead through FreeBSD. It worked this time. Got my system…
Semester Done
The semester is over. Had my CSE 421 final yesterday. I’m a true CSE major now. I really miss that class. It was an awesome experience. Got CUPS working on my FreeBSD machine. I can print to my Windows shared printer. I also have OpenOffice installed. Trying to get the CrossOver plugin to install Trillian….
More FreeBSD
I learnt some new stuff. CvsUP is pretty neat. I learnt the hard way that when you do a make buildworld you have rebuild the kernel the non-traditional way. My kernel wasn’t compiling and for a moment I thought I would have to go through all that madness with write failure on transfers again. See,…