I was trying to get pinch-zoom and panning working on an Android view today. Basically I was trying to implement the same behavior you see when you use Google Maps (for example). You can zoom in and pan around until the edge of the image, but no further. Also, if the image is fully zoomed…
Tag: android
Broadband speed-test results for T-Mobile’s HSPA+ network
I’m at Phoenix Sky Harbor airport waiting for my (delayed) file to Orange County. I was having trouble connecting to Sky Harbor’s free Wi-Fi and so I decided to tether to my G2. The phone was showing all four bars on the HSPA+ network and so I decided to run a speed test. This is…
Unboxing my new T-Mobile G2 Android Phone
My wife called me at work today and told me that my new phone just came in the mail :). It’s the new G2 by HTC, which is supposed to be the successor to the G1. The specs on this phone are: 3.7 inch WVGA capacitive touch screen 5 megapixel camera with auto-focus and flash…
Download ShapeWriter APK
I tried to install ShapeWriter from the Android Marketplace yesterday and couldn’t find it (I was trying to reinstall it after flashing my phone with Cyanogenmod 5.0.8). After searching the interwebs, I found out that it had been removed from the marketplace on June 20th indefinitely (supposedly for QA issues). Luckily I had backed up…
My new T-Mobile G1 Android Phone
So I got my T-Mobile G1 Android phone yesterday, and boy am I excited! I had mixed feelings about it initially because I wasn’t so sure of the form factor. I remember thinking that it looked a little clunky, but now that I have it here, in my hand, I have to say that it…