A long, long time ago, before there was Facebook or Twitter, and when Google was simply a search engine, I had a revelation. I realized that programming languages were simply a set of tokens. Of course, this is not so mindblowing now. But to a young 17-year old who had just started college, this was an amazing revelation. Being a nerd and all, I decided that I wanted to make my own programming language. For some reason I wanted to make it look really ugly and difficult to read. Had I known about Perl or other esoteric languages, I probably wouldn't have decided to write it. Who am I kidding, I probably would have anyway and also would have felt a little less weird. Anyway, the very first incarnation of my language, bAdkOde, was written in Java. At this point, I had never heard about EBNF's, recursive-descent parsers, or anything related to language parsing. But I was eager, knew how to write code, and therefore I was dangerous. My first implementation had no recursion whatsoever. I parsed the text iteratively. I had this horribly complex function that tried to validate and parse a printable string-of-text (for example, print "This is variable {a}\n"). I even had interpolation in my language (I thought it was novel, but I eventually found out that Perl already had it) and so that made the parsing even harder. My language was also typed and you could even create variables (I maintained a list of declared variables - I eventually found out that this was called a "Symbol Table"). It also supported basic mathematical operations. There was no way to do flow control though, and so the language didn't have any if-statements or looping constructs. I had plans to add all of this in but never really got around to it.
Eventually, I took a class at ASU (CSE 240) that taught me about parsing languages. Using this information I rewrote bAdkOde using recursive-descent parsers. Then something happened and I lost interest. bAdkOde languished and was forgotten for a time. Then, I was suddenly interested in writing a language again because I was going through a phase where I read a lot about esoteric programming-languages. I thought I'd write my own. At this time, I think I was also taking an assembly class (possibly CSE 421) and so the eventual design of the language was definitely influenced by a few assembly concepts. This time, I decided to write the language in Perl since it is suited to parsing text. In retrospect, I probably should have written the language using a recursive-descent parser (even if it had to be in Perl) instead of my current implementation.
First, I wrote up a quick spec of the features of the language. It was going to be an extremely minimal language with only a few operators. It would have a stack, memory, and two registers. Memory and stack are unlimited (theoretically, but it depends on how much physical memory you have - the language enforces no constraint), but the actual code you write doesn't reside in the memory that you're able to use from the code. After I wrote the specs, I wrote an EBNF:
stmt ::= b-stmt | u-stmt | while-stmt ; b-stmt ::= binary-op, (number|mem-reg), mem-reg ; u-stmt ::= unary-op, mem-reg ; while-stmt ::= "{", logic-op, mem-reg, {stmt}, "}" ; binary-op ::= > | + | - ; unary-op ::= stack-op | ' | " | ? ; mem-reg ::= mem | reg ; logic-op ::= = | ! | + | - ; stack-op ::= push | pull ; push ::= ")", (number|mem-reg) ; pull ::= "(", mem-reg ; mem ::= "[", reg ; reg ::= a | b ; number ::= digit, {digit} ; digit ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 ;
Note: That's right. The EBNF shows that you can't use negative numbers as operands. This wasn't a design decision... I think I just forgot about it. It just means that makes things a little more fun
From the very first definition in the EBNF, you can see that the language has three types of statements: binary-operator statement, unary-operator statement, and a while statement. What this means is that there are statements with an operator that requires two operands, statements with operators that require only on operand, and a while (looping) statement.
Ugh. Macros are the devil incarnate. Nothing makes grep-ing through large amounts of source code more painful than macros. Nice post though. I’m impressed with your use of EBNF and creative ability with new programming languages! This also lead me to look up several other esoteric languages (i.e. Brainfuck).
@Steve O
Oh yeah, a large number of macros can make things really hairy. But I think that’s probably due to macro abuse! I made macros here just because that’s what I was familiar with when I was doing assembly programming. Then again, this isn’t meant to be a language for serious software projects! I’m glad you liked the EBNF and I’m also glad that you found bAdkOde creative. I guess all those theoretical computer-science classes I took at ASU weren’t for nothing! 😉 Haha!
Esoteric programming languages are pretty neat. I think you realize how much you take for granted in high-level languages when you work with some of the more limited ones, like Brainfuck. On the other hand, they really make you think in novel ways and also completely change the way you approach problems. I think it’s a good thing.