I’ve known about tries for sometime. They’re a pretty neat data-structure for storing and looking-up strings.I decided to try and implement one in Java so that I can learn more about them. I’ll post another article later that goes into some more detail about this implementation, but for now you can check out the source…
Category: Software
The Feast
Inspired by The Codeless Code: The master was meditating when a priest respectfully entered his chamber. The master opened his eyes. The priest bowed respectfully and said, “Master, I would like you to look at the code of a young disciple of mine”. The master nodded and followed the priest to a computer. On the…
Implementing pinch-zoom and pan/drag in an Android view on the canvas
I was trying to get pinch-zoom and panning working on an Android view today. Basically I was trying to implement the same behavior you see when you use Google Maps (for example). You can zoom in and pan around until the edge of the image, but no further. Also, if the image is fully zoomed…
Setting the content type to text/plain for a JSON response from a Spring controller
I was using a jQuery plugin called a ajaxfileupload to upload a file through AJAX. Technically what the plugin does isn’t AJAX. It creates a hidden form and an iframe, and then submits the form using the iframe as the target. The iframe will then end up with the response from the server. This response…
Implementing JSONP in Spring MVC 3.0.x
In Spring 3, it’s very easy to get a view to return JSON. However, there is no built-in mechanism to return JSONP. I was able to find a pretty good tutorial That uses Spring’s DelegatingFilterProxy. I implemented this solution and I got it to work, but I didn’t like the fact that I had to…
About Me and Projects
I finally got around to adding pages to my blog. I’ve added an “About Me” page and a “Projects” page. The “Projects” page is similar to the one I had on the old site. I’ve migrated one project (Sulekha) over. Will be moving the second one (FXCalendar) over soon and I’m also going to try…
An update to running aterm (or any other X app) rootless, without a DOS console on Cygwin
A while ago, I wrote up a quick guide about running X/Windows applications (specifically, aterm) without root windows on Windows, using Cygwin. Recently I tried to set it up again and I realized that some of the information is slightly out of date. I’m also endeavoring to write a better guide. I’m assuming that you…
Running aterm (or any other X app) rootless, without a DOS console on Cygwin
This guide is outdated. Please check out the updated version of this guide here. On any system that I plan to use for an extended period of time, I will always install Cygwin. This is mainly because I like have UNIX tools on Windows, and also so that I can use the console to do…
Google Talk/Google IM
Google has come out with their instant messaging program. This seems to be unofficial; the only mentions I can see are on this Slashdot article, and the website I linked to. You should be able to get it to work using any Jabber client. I’ve been trying to get it to work on Trillian, but…
Firefox hits 50 million downloads!
Firefox, the Open Source browser has hit 50 million downloads! Absolutely amazing! I remember when I used to use Internet Explorer because I didn’t think there were any good browsers out there. I also remember when I even flamed Mozilla (I knew this would bite me in the ass later), but that was because this…