I probably should document my code. It’s not cool coming back to it after three months and wondering what the hell you were smoking when you wrote it. I managed to figure out (vaguely) how I got fly working. I know I did something weird to the makefiles. I think I had to link it…
Category: Computers
I’m finally online from my own computer at home. Took some doing, but got it networked. Learnt the hard way that PPPoE and ICS don’t mix on Win98. I’ve got my WInXP as host and Michael’s Win98 as Client. ICS setup on WinXP is painless. Works real well… have to go now and read about…
Yesterday was my Birthday
I turned 21 yesterday. Woohoo. I had 4 big shots of some nasty tasting stuff… no 3 nasty tasting things and 1 somewhat nice tasting thing. Then I had a Mud Slide and a extremely strong Long Island Iced Tea. School is ok. Still feels weird. I have a ton to catch up on. Will…
Company Webmaster
The last few days have been fun. I am actually going to miss this place. My buddy and I have suddenly become the company webmasters! So I’ve been able to get access to machines! I think that’s pretty cool because it puts me back on track to come back to school. One of my drill…
Some more stuff from
What’s going on? Sorry for this spree of Journal Entries. I haven’t used a computer in over 3 weeks and I was having withdrawal symptoms – and now that I have access to one (with the bare minimum of utilities) I’m a little hyper. By the way, here’s a link to the Java SSH Client…
Java SSH Client
Don’t worry about the journal entry. I fixed it! I’m just sooo good. Check out MindTerm :). It’s a Java SSH Client Applet for IE. It’s real good! I used that to get to the database… cool huh?? See you all next week!
GD and FLY
I just installed GD so I’m on my way to creating a dynamic photo album. Marc has given me no promises about recompiling PHP with GD so I found an interpreter (fly) that should work with PHP. Nothing else… June 3rd is only two weeks away… I really don’t want to leave…
No visible changes
Yeah, I guess there are no “visible” changes, but I got the pretty version of the “Insert Journal Entry” page done. I even made a new and improved select box because IE wouldn’t let me change the button properties on the default one… =D… Yeah I know it’s pretty nerdy… Anyways, I’m not sure what…
IE6 just had to make it HARDER with their P3P compatibility. On top of that, my stupid domain name providers have some bizarre convention where they put the actual page (where https://vivin.net or http://www.vivin.com refers to) inside a STUPID FRAME. So when I run the P3P validator, it finds p3p.xml alright, but it’s inside a…
I hate school
School sucks. It really sucks. I hate school. My last exam is tomorrow – Sociology 315: The Sociology of Courtship and Marriage. Pretty interesting. I have to read this book about Dating Delights, Discontents… blah blah something and everyone thinks I’m reading a book on how to date. When I tell them its for a…