I’ve generated a couple of Mandelbrot sets. f(z) = f(z – 1)2 + c; f(0) = c and c is complex number (x + iy). They’re pretty sweet looking! I used Perl and GD to generate PNG images. The images are rather huge so please be patient. If you have a dialup connection, be prepared…
Category: Computers
Laura and Mandelbrot
Laura left today… This sucks. I can’t wait for the next time they are here. I’ve been generating some Mandelbrot sets with some pretty good results. I’m going to put them up, except they are rather huge… I’ll have to trim them down…
I’ve had it
Ok, I’ve had it with this site. I am going to re-design it. Yes I am. Uhmm. I don’t know when it will be done.
Oh no
I just accidentally removed rpm from a Linux system. Now I can’t install anything. Oh no :(. CRAAAAAP!
So many toys!
Woohoo! I love the Friday after Thanksgiving. I got my self two 256Mb RAMBUSes and also a 160Gb HD. All for a schweet, schweet price! Now my machine is running with 768Mb of RAM. I am so tempted to go up to 1Gb! I am going to put the 160Gb in my WinXP machine. And…
A Year
Hell, I just realized that it’s been a year since the Photo Album has been up. Cool! It’s been well used too!
Everyone seems to have one these days. I have had one from 1999. Ha! Well, sort of. I don’t fill it daily and sometimes I don’t write things at all. But still… Now I’m going to write things everyday. I think. What shall I write now? Seeing as I only wrote a couple of minutes…
Finally Back
So I’m finally back online. I’ve moved into my new apartment and everything is set up nice and pretty. Woohoo! It took me for ever to get my DSL because the people at Qwest decided that they just didn’t feel like setting up my DSL. The trouble I went through… jeez… Well, anyway. It’s up…
Yeah so no journal entry for a while. I was pissed because I lost a lot of those old journal entries when my server crashed. Also, I’ve been pretty damn busy. I got a car. A used Mazda 626. It’s a 1995 model. Nice – runs well. I need to clean her up though. It’s…
Photo Album Working
I’m glad to say that the Photo Album looks like it’s working… Hope everything else is…