I got a rather concerned phone call from Sadhana yesterday morning. Apparently, she and everyone and their mom were trying to get in touch with me. Apparently I was supposed to be in some presentation or something. I started wondering if I there was a class I had enrolled in, but forgotten to go to…
Category: School
I hate ECE 334
I haven’t written in a while. Let’s see… I HATE ECE334! It is the WORST CLASS EVER! I HATE IT SO MUCH! There. That felt SO much better. STUPID CLASS. Now I have to do these DUMB projects that I don’t really give a CRAP about. Some stupid transistor amplifier stuff. Absolutely ridiculous. These labs…
Look Ma! I’m on TV!
They did a video interview of the interns at Motorola today. They asked me some questions about the internship. It is a promotional video for the Embedded Systems Consortium. They want to show others how much the interns are learning.
Leaving Springfield, MA
Tomorrow, I leave Laura and Michael. My snowy spring break has come to an end. It was awesome. I will write more about it later. Back to school… stupid school…
Comments, Radix Sort, Adam and Eve
Ah finally! Someone made use of the Comments! I feel so special! Thanks Ed! Yeah and life sucks. Radix Sort is an amazing algorithm. Too bad my teammate and I failed our first demo because we made the absolutely dumb mistake of not distinguishing between a BYTE and a LONGWORD. Yeah big difference. Anyway, I…
I’m used to getting something back when I work hard on something. I got totally destroyed on a CSE 521 shotgun (quiz). And I tried so hard! I bet it’s really stupid mistakes. I don’t know… I feel really dumb right about now. Stupid stupid STUPID.
I am dropping my Competition Exhibition dance class. Unfortunate turn of events. Sad, because I really wanted to do Comp. Ex. I am not sure if I should write it all here… bleah… I will – so what? A man is entitled to his opinion. I changed my mind. A man his entitled to his…
Crazy Semester
My last semester and SO much to do. It looks like I will be writing code 24-7… not too bad. I need to get a job… a REAL one… citizenship… a house… AAARRGHH SOO MUCH TO DO! And then there’s CSE521 – I am sooo tempted to drop it…
School Starts Tomorrow
A new semester… new possibilities. Also the last one I’ll ever have. This is my last semester at ASU. It’s been quite a ride. I’ll miss it for sure.
Ok… Maybe it’s because I’ve been doing CSE 430 for hours and hours… or maybe it’s because I haven’t slept in a while – although I don’t feel sleep deprived… but anyway… I just stopped by at the AMPM to get some caffeine and the lady at the counter looked EXACTLY like my CSE 430…