I had my very first code review. It was interesting and slightly unnerving. I had all these people who had gone over my code, tell me what was wrong with it. Luckily, nothing too serious! Just minor issues. I learnt some new stuff though. THEN, I found out that my highschool friend is GETTING MARRIED!…
Category: Life
Pictures from Boston and Vegas
I’ve uploaded two sets of pictures. The first one is from my Spring Break trip to Boston, where I visited Michael and Laura. The second one is from my trip to Vegas, this last weekend. The first one is titled “Chez Michael et Laura”, and the second one is titled “UNLV Dance Competition 2000”.
Vegas Dance Competition
Just got back from Vegas! I was there over the weekend for the USABDA (United States Amateur Ballroom Dancer’s Association) competition. My friend Jenny (who is also my dance partner) and I went there with our friend April. April ROCKS! She gave us a ride all the way there! We stayed there with Marc and…
People thought I was dead or something
I got a rather concerned phone call from Sadhana yesterday morning. Apparently, she and everyone and their mom were trying to get in touch with me. Apparently I was supposed to be in some presentation or something. I started wondering if I there was a class I had enrolled in, but forgotten to go to…
I hate ECE 334
I haven’t written in a while. Let’s see… I HATE ECE334! It is the WORST CLASS EVER! I HATE IT SO MUCH! There. That felt SO much better. STUPID CLASS. Now I have to do these DUMB projects that I don’t really give a CRAP about. Some stupid transistor amplifier stuff. Absolutely ridiculous. These labs…
Look Ma! I’m on TV!
They did a video interview of the interns at Motorola today. They asked me some questions about the internship. It is a promotional video for the Embedded Systems Consortium. They want to show others how much the interns are learning.
Free Beer
You know, I just remembered. When I was in Boston at that Improv place, we went to get beer. We could get 4 beers for like 16 bucks. The bartender wanted to see ID, so I just pulled out one of my ID’s which happened to be one Military one. He looked at it and…
Chez Michael et Laura
As some of you may already know, I spent Spring Break at Michael’s and Laura’s in Northampton, MA. Before any of you point it out, yes, I notice the inconsistency. Where was I? Was it Boston, Springfield or Northampton?! It was all three. I spent time in all three places. Laura and Michael however, live…
Leaving Springfield, MA
Tomorrow, I leave Laura and Michael. My snowy spring break has come to an end. It was awesome. I will write more about it later. Back to school… stupid school…
Leaving for Boston
Tomorrow I leave for Boston to see Michael and Laura! Woohoo! I have never been to the east coast. It will be positively Schweet. I can’t wait! Yesterday, I met a girl who told me she had danced with me three years ago. I must have left an impression.