Hey guyz! Will someone write something on that message board? I’m tired of seeing those old messages… What’s happening?? How’s the new semester!! Nimish! I know you’re accessing it! I can see you! Write something! Okay.. on to new stuff. I’ve updated the About Me section. No Pics, I’ve rewritten the entire thing. Read it…
Author: vivin
I'm Vivin. I like computers, reading, latin dancing, singing, playing the piano, and playing the guitar. I'm a software engineer, computer scientist, and Tillman Scholar. I served in the Arizona Army National Guard for 9 years (from 2000 to 2009) and did a year-long tour in Iraq (2005-2006) in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. I am currently pursuing a PhD in Computer Science. I like Star Trek, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
eXtreme TRACKING counter set up
The eXtreme TRACKING counter was put up on the site today… let’s see how many people come here!
My Website is set up!
My website is set up!! Woohoo! Nothing much here now, except some links to MP3s which I think are really cool… Cya later!