I apologize for doing absolutely NOTHING on this page… two things… I was busy… busier than expected and so I had absolutely no time… I might have done something had I got my scanner, but HP has been messing things up… man those idiots are really incompetent… well anyways, hopefully I should have my scanner…
Author: vivin
Metallica Still Sucks
Hmmm… apparently the proposed solution to avoid Metallica’s ban doesn’t seem to work. I think that they put a file on your machine somewhere that they can identify and hence label you as “banned”. The IP/Username theory doesn’t seem to be the answer. A change or IP and username seems to have no effect on…
Metallica Sucks
Hey! How’s it going? My exams get over tomorrow… actually TODAY!!!… YESSSSS!!!! HAHAHAHA! Free at last… three glorious weeks of doing what I like most – ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Except playing StarCraft and watching TV and partying and stuff like that… Oh yes… So Metallica has gone and tattled on Napster. Publicity stunt. Well, a certain…
DSL Kicks Ass!
Hey everyone… Finals are here and they get over on the 10th… so you MIGHT see stuff up here. I’m thinking of doing a little work on the links page and adding some stuff here and there. I should be getting my scanner this week. HP said that they’re gonna send me a new one….
My scanner is burning!!!
Ahhh. Finally! Ummm… Sorry! This is not about an update! It’s just to let you know that I’m still alive and that I haven’t been kidnapped by aliens and taken to another planet! Well, depending on how much time I have, I will be able to start work on the webpage as I’ll be getting…
Link to HyperNews taken down
I’ll have to take down the link to Marc’s forum in the face of certain difficulties. Apparently, we’re having problems legitimizing the whole thing. I doubt I have any choice in the matter… Adios and take care!
ISG Message Board down. New link to Hypernews
The ISG Message Board is down for some reason. I’m not sure why, but I think the entire InsideTheWeb server is down. I don’t know how long it will stay like that… please bear with me. Oh and the CSE210 forum here, is being discontinued. Marc has got a better version up and running… WITHOUT…