My bio is up. It’s not complete. I’m still working on it. It’s also very weird.
Author: vivin
A note on the journal entries
Just a note on the journal entries… I ported all the stuff that was under “news” on my old website to this one… So if you wanna go back and see my stuff from “back in the day”, go ahead… as you keep going forward in time, you’ll see the posts change from “Oh I’m…
That was a LOT of work
Hey everyone, Not that very many people come to this page… and if anyone, not that they come here often. But I hope someone has noticed the radical changes that my website has been through. If you’re not running Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher, you won’t be able to see this page… sorry! Maybe someday…
My website sucks
Ah… Yes… Nothing on this page. You know what, this page SUCKS. This is the suckiest page ever. I don’t think anyone should even be here… GO AWAY! I haven’t done anything on this page… and I don’t think I’ll ever be doing anything… Ohh… I had so many cool ideas… I still have them,…
Terrorist Attacks on the US
This is horrible. Completely horrible. Two planes hit the World Trade Center. Both towers went down within half an hour of each other. The south tower going first. Another plane crashed into the Pentagon. Terrorist acts… This is just sickening. I can’t believe it…
Netfirms is nice
I got my self an account on They are a pretty good hosting service. You can run cgi scripts too. I was originally running my cgi scripts off a server at work, but we took that server down during the summer. I lost all my cgi scripts… sucks… Anyways, I made a new bAdkOde.cgi…
About Me updated
I changed the About Me section. I wrote some new stuff there because I didn’t like the old stuff I had… That’s all… Semester is coming to an end and I’m glad it is…!
New Interface and bAdkOde
I changed the interface again. No more frames! There actually two index files up now. The other one will run on IE only. Anyway, the big thing is that I put something new up. I put up my pet project – bAdkOde. It is an interpreter I am working on. It’s a VERY early beta…
The Matrix
I uploaded a program I wrote… You can look it up in the Downloadz section. I was bored at work… That’s pretty much it. Spring break coming up this weekend! Alright!!! Woohooo!!