Spending my weekend in California with my family. My parents are here. It’s a whole lot of fun and I don’t want to leave. I wish I could stay here longer. This relaxation has been good. I was pretty stressed out for the last week. I was catching up with 2 weeks of CSE 421….
Author: vivin
September 11
Please observe a minute of silence for those who lost their lives at the World Trade Center due to the cowardly acts of terrorists. It has been a year, but America will never forget. Justice will be duly served. I would like to also take this moment to show my support for my fellow soldiers…
I’m finally online from my own computer at home. Took some doing, but got it networked. Learnt the hard way that PPPoE and ICS don’t mix on Win98. I’ve got my WInXP as host and Michael’s Win98 as Client. ICS setup on WinXP is painless. Works real well… have to go now and read about…
Yesterday was my Birthday
I turned 21 yesterday. Woohoo. I had 4 big shots of some nasty tasting stuff… no 3 nasty tasting things and 1 somewhat nice tasting thing. Then I had a Mud Slide and a extremely strong Long Island Iced Tea. School is ok. Still feels weird. I have a ton to catch up on. Will…
I am back
I’m back home. It feels great. I left Virginia at 4:00pm for Pittsburgh. I got there at 5:15pm. Interestingly, my next flight (PIT – PHX) left Pittsburgh at 5:15pm. When I got to the gate, I found out that it had been delayed. It wouldn’t leave till 7:10pm. So I just sat there and listened…
Company Webmaster
The last few days have been fun. I am actually going to miss this place. My buddy and I have suddenly become the company webmasters! So I’ve been able to get access to machines! I think that’s pretty cool because it puts me back on track to come back to school. One of my drill…
9 days and a wake-up!
I am ALMOST out of here. OH GOD IT FEELS SO GOOD! Plus my parents will be making to my graduation!! This is the BEST! WOOHOO!!! I’m so done with this place. I’ve been here way too long. 13 weeks is no joke. But I’m finally almost done… Next weekend will be my last here……
I might leave this place early
I might get to leave early. There are three possible dates. The official one, which is September 4th, then there is August 29th, which is when I can graduate if my acceleration is approved (I find out if the Colonel has approved it on Tuesday), and then there is August 27th. It turns out that…
Weather Anomaly
The weather has been strangely nice since Wednesday. The air doesn’t feel like a furnace blast and I am not sweating out insane amounts of water. The mornings are actually rather chilly – they seem like Arizona winters, which means I feel cold. It warms up during the day to where there respectable heat -…
It’s August
Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! It’s August! Yeah! This means I only have a month left! Maybe a little less if my acceleration request goes through. I hope it does. It has to go all the way up to the Lieutenant Colonel. If that goes through, I can leave on the 30th of August…