I have so much work and I’m so stressed. Therefore, the world is currently the object of my hate. Physics exam on Thursday. The Photo-electric effect is a breeze. However, my Physics professor refuses to go over anything I missed, when I was busy busting my ass so he can feel safe. Consequently, I don’t…
Author: vivin
421 permeates the core of my being
Ah 421! I love this class. It’s so hard. It’s a lot of work, yet I love it. I love programming in Assembly. This is where you’re but one level from the processor… manipulating its guts. Telling it what to do. There are no nice if-else statements here. No print statements. It’s at a way…
Ecological Simulators and Photo Albums
I finished the “Delete Photos” page on the Photo Album Tools page… which of course, none of you can see, since it’s in the admin section. But anyway… It took me this long, because I had other stuff to take care of… namely CSE 421. I only have the “Update Photos” tool to finish… after…
It’s like 2:30am in the morning and I don’t feel sleepy. What the hell? I have four questions left in my Physics 361 Homework. I’ve been breezing through them real easy so far. I might demo Lab 3 tomorrow. I was $1D over my professor’s size… I cut it down to $E over… which is…
Michael’s last day
Yesterday was Michael’s last day at Red Lobster. We had a small get-together at home. It was fun. We were up till 6am. Yeah… crazy. Most of the conversation during the evening-late night-early morning was conducted in Spanish. A language in which, I am not very proficient. But interestingly I did catch the drift…
www.vivin.net has a new user
My name is Marc. I am vivin.net’s first registered user. (This is actually Vivin).
My parents left
My parents left this morning. I’m quite sad. After two and a half years, I saw them for a grand total of 5 days. Hardly enough. I am planning to go to Oman this December. I hope that happens. Back to CSE 421…
I got a letter yesterday from one of my buddies who trained with me in Fort Lee. It was a pleasant surprise. In some ways I wish I was back in Fort Lee… I know I was always saying I couldn’t wait to get back home… but I wouldn’t mind another week in Fort Lee……
Cellphone and problems with this world
I have a cellphone now. It’s cool. I like it. I finally got one after all these years. It’s very useful. That’s the good news. In other news, I’m in an all-round pissed-off mood. I hate the world. The world pisses me off big time. Why? Just because. I have too much stress to deal…
Your own code. Use IE.
I probably should document my code. It’s not cool coming back to it after three months and wondering what the hell you were smoking when you wrote it. I managed to figure out (vaguely) how I got fly working. I know I did something weird to the makefiles. I think I had to link it…