I’m creating a User Page where users will be able to log in. I’ll be adding other features to the page later on, but for now it will only log you into the site.
Author: vivin
Photo Album access rights
Exclusive Albums will no longer appear in the Album List. That makes the “Exclusive” column redundant. I’m too lazy the change it though.
Photo Album up and running
The Photo Album is complete. I’d say 95%… I’m still implementing access rights and privileges. Essentially people won’t be able to see all the pictures I have. I’m keeping certain pictures private or viewable only by certain people. Anyway, go ahead and take a look.
Waste of time
I wasted about an hour trying to track down a problem in my encryption algorithm. I still can’t find it! Right now I’m using a crude hack to fix the problem. It fixes it… and works about 99% of the time. I have another idea though… hmm… Anyway, Photo Album should be up and running…
Photo Album nearing completion
I have been able to generate thumbnails. All I need to do now is spawn a window with a larger version of the image… that and a few cosmetic aspects. Like how the colour fades in and out? Pretty neat huh? 🙂
Ok, so I’m late on the scene. It’s obvious. I got Kazaa Lite. Bye-Bye Spyware! I also got this ready-made HOSTS file that points all those stupid ad URLS to a bogus IP. Hahaha! No more stupid ads. They just open up witha page not found error. Also, I don’t see dumb banner ads on…
Kazaa is retarded
I decided to try out Kazaa. It’s so lame. It’s got a ton of spyware on it, and when I remove it, it says “You have uninstalled a part of Kazaa that is required to run the Media Desktop”. What a load of bull. Dumbasses.
A home for a kitty
We had a kitten for about 4 days. It was half grown and just about the friendliest and most docile cat I’ve ever seen. My roommate and I would have kept it, except I’m extremely allergic to cats – I sneeze, my skin gets ichy and my eyes start itching and watering. It’s not fun…
Photo Album still WIP
I know the Photo Album pops up with a list of all albums, but it is still work in progress. You might (and most probably will) notice this page crashing. Sometimes this window might open up with the borders screwed up and none of the links showing. That’s because I broke the back-end or I’m…
My very own UNIX box
Happy Happy Joy Joy! I’ve only got the actual network and server configuration left. But almost everything else is done! FreeBSD is running with the KDE desktop and it looks SO TOTALLY KICK-ASS! Man, this is the BEST!