I was sort of productive… I came up with an algorithm for Lab 8. Then after reinstalling FreeBSD like 10 million times (I hate those damned Write Transfer errors) I have finally got it set up… sort of… The sound doesn’t work. I can’t hear anything. I’ve got the box talking to my WinXP box,…
Author: vivin
LINT is bad
I figured out my mistake. LINT is bad. I should have used the GENERIC kernel when recompiling… Well anyway, after many aborted attempts due to “Write failure on transfer” errors. I still haven’t figured out why that happens. Whatever it is, it’s lame. Right now I can fix it by switching the installation CD from…
Broke the Kernel
I broke the kernel while trying to configure my sound driver. Didn’t do anything strange. Just rebuilt the kernel. However, when I rebooted, I got a cryptic message displayed in dramatic red text: pmap_bootstrap: no local apic! I searched on Google and found links to cryptic C code. I didn’t feel like wading through it….
Halloween was okay. It didn’t start off good. My roommate Michael was in an accident on his way to work. Thankfully, he’s alright. But he doesn’t know if his jeep is going to make it. Which really sucks, coz his jeep is awesome, and it means a lot to him. Should have gone out on…
Garba 2001. 421!!!!
Pictures from Garba 2001 are up. Also, 421 is so much WORK. I still have to make my program more efficient… although my “efficient” version is ridiculously obese compared to my professor’s…
Lab 7
Lab 7 is interesting. The M6800 processor does not have a divide instruction. No Divide Instruction. Crazy, I tell you… When I was doing 225, I thought the M6811 was limited. I was wrong. Please give me the 6811! But I’ll tell you what… I’m glad I’m not working on the M6805… I heard that…
State Fair and Garba Pictures
Garba pictures are up Went to the Arizona State Fair today. It was great! Saw Gin Blossoms and went on a whole lotta crazy rides. I was sick after the first two… but got better… then did some more crazy rides. Spiral fries are awesome.
Three albums uploaded
I’ve finished uploading three albums. More to come…
Photo Album Complete
After 3 years of empty promises, my pictures are finally on the website. You can track all of my promises through these journal entries… but anyway, it’s all done now! Ahhh… It feels good. The thumbnails will take a little time to load… that’s because it’s generating the file on the server – dynamically. I’m…
User authentication complete
The website authenticates users now. If you try to log into any restricted areas, you are presented with an intimidating, yet helpful message which informs you that you have insufficient privileges. Now I actually need to add stuff to the User Tools page… I probably should make an Add New Users tool… certainly beats manually…