My new printer is so cool. It looks like it can travel at light speed. It’s sleek and sexy. I need a life.
Author: vivin
I was trying to scan some photos when I got an unpleasant surprise. My scanner wasn’t working! That got me thinking… My printer and scanner are both connected to my USB Hub. Then I remembered that I had installed Xilinx ISE and ModelSim. Software that I needed for my CSE 422 class. I remembered that…
Dead Printers and Geeky Valley Girls
My printer died. After faithfully serving me for more than four years, my HP Deskjet 812C died while in service. Actually, shortly thereafter. I had just printed out a 30 page grading criteria checklist and after that, nothing would coax my printer to print. I probably shouldn’t say dead. Maybe it had a stroke. I…
Some new screenshots
I’ve got… like FOUR screenshots of KDE 3.1. Yeah, I was bored. I added support for PNG images to the image manipulation script. KDE 3.1 is pretty sweet… but ever since the update, samba and cups have been acting strange. Samba works for the most part. Cups doesn’t work at all… I can send raw…
KDE 3.1
KDE 3.1 is so sweet!
Being a complete nerd, this tragedy hits me really hard. I’m an avid space enthusiast and every shuttle mission fills me with hope and pride. Each of those missions is a mission for humanity as a whole. I can only imagine what the families and friends of those seven heroes are going through. I am…
Columbia Lost
We lost Columbia. Broke up during re-entry over Texas, 16 minutes before it was scheduled to land. We lost all seven astronauts… It’s hard to believe that this happened…
CUPS working
Got CUPS working. I really should document my work… smb://vivin@excelsior/HPDeskjet812C… Anyways, all I have left to do is set up the colour scheme and stuff like that… of KDE… and install Mozilla again… Fun… Fun…
FreeBSD 5.0
Installed FreeBSD 5.0. Of course, nothing went as planned. I downloaded the ISO’s and burned them, but the CD’s turned out to be worthless as they wouldn’t boot. Don’t know why. So I ended up with a couple of coasters. I decided to do it instead through FreeBSD. It worked this time. Got my system…
No Texas
Woohoo! I don’t have to go to Texas. I won’t be missing any classes! This is excellent news… Everything seems to be working out. I hope it continues to be that way!