So I’m finally back online. I’ve moved into my new apartment and everything is set up nice and pretty. Woohoo! It took me for ever to get my DSL because the people at Qwest decided that they just didn’t feel like setting up my DSL. The trouble I went through… jeez… Well, anyway. It’s up…
Author: vivin
Yeah so no journal entry for a while. I was pissed because I lost a lot of those old journal entries when my server crashed. Also, I’ve been pretty damn busy. I got a car. A used Mazda 626. It’s a 1995 model. Nice – runs well. I need to clean her up though. It’s…
Photo Album Working
I’m glad to say that the Photo Album looks like it’s working… Hope everything else is…
Server Crash
My server crashed. Horribly. I’m not sure what happened, but I woke up this morning to find both my machines had powered down. I assume that we had some sort of power failure. Power failures are very bad on complex file-systems. I learnt this the hard way. I lost 77% of my database. Basically the…
Hard Drive
I got my 80 gig Maxtor HD today. Woohoo! I’m also getting my block of IP’s today. I’ve switched over from Qwest to FastQ. I should have everything set up by Sunday… Then it’s off to Cali for Spring Break!
I’ve placed an order with Qwest to change my ISP to FastQ. I’ll be talking to FastQ tomorrow so I can figure out what I’ll need to change on my current network connection. Probably just the DNS entires I think. I will also need to ask them about Static IP’s. I want to get that…
I got a call for an inteview. It’s for that campus job. I hope I get it.
I added another wallpaper of Shakira. I have no life. It is official. I hope I get that job I applied for… It’s Web Development with PHP and MySQL… along with working on UNIX machines and network stuff. Fun stuff…
Sharity-Lite stopped working… No, wait… Actually it might have been my Windows machine. Ever since I installed that piece-of-crap Xilix ISE and ModelSim software my computer has been acting weird. It wouldn’t authenticate requests from Sharity-Light. The only way I could mount drives was if I enable simple file sharing. I couldn’t have that… I…
No Luke AFB
I don’t have to go to Luke Airforce Base. Although, that means I threw away my internship for absolutely nothing =(. Well, I’m pretty sure I can get one in the summer. But eitherway, I’m looking for jobs on campus… programming jobs because that’s what I like…