Am I Hopelessly Romantic or Romantically Hopeless?
Author: vivin
Everyone seems to have one these days. I have had one from 1999. Ha! Well, sort of. I don’t fill it daily and sometimes I don’t write things at all. But still… Now I’m going to write things everyday. I think. What shall I write now? Seeing as I only wrote a couple of minutes…
Networks of the Electrical Kind
What do I do at such an ungodly hour? Why… Electrical Networks! A midterm tomorrow and I should be studying. Almost done. I am not sleepy. Love is not blind. It just occasionally needs glasses I thought of that and don’t you forget it or the curse of a thousand blue sunflowers shall be upon…
Durable Bubble
I got Sadhana a birthday present. It’s pretty cool. Basically these durable bubbles that harden in the air and you can catch them. They don’t pop that easy. Pretty sweet huh? On the cover it said “Although the bubbles are not poisonous, they taste BAD!” I have a marketable idea now. The “Edible Bubble”… or…
Long Time
Ok, so it’s been a LONG time since I wrote anything on this thing. Mainly because I was pissed off when file system got screwed after the power failure. I lost about 70% of my database. Anyways, nothing much is going on. Not too much work on this page – I’ve been busy with work…
Never Forget
Support your troops. Never Forget.
What Drill?
Ha! I did everything yesterday I wasn’t supposed to do. One Margarita and five shots of Tequila. Everyone found out that it was my birthday and bought me drinks. That wasn’t it too. I danced. A LOT. But get this – they had this dance circle going. I was supposed to dance with every girl…
My Birthday
Today was my birthday! But tomorrow I have drill… and a PT test. Argh! Of course, it HAD to be on the day of my birthday. I was planning to have a great time too… We’re having a fundraiser today at this restaurant called Peruanitos. I won’t be staying all that late and I won’t…
This is completely irrelevant. I was at work today and I wanted some soda. So I go to the Pepsi machine and try to put a dollar into the machine. It’s not working. I decided to press the buttons anyway… To go off on a tangent here, why is it that anytime something stops working,…
Pictures are up
I’ve put up pictures from the USSA Formal 2003 (The ones I lost when the server crashed) and pictures from Shareen’s graduation party…