What a SCHWEET movie! I can’t wait for Volume II. The weather outside is AWESOME! I love it!
Author: vivin
Same Old Song
I see patterns. Is life really this predictable? Oh it most certainly is! No more suprises… Hard not to be affected though…
Butt Size vs. Cuban Motion
Cuban Motion is inversely proportional to butt size!
More Pictures
I’ve added two more albums “Michael and Laura’s Farewell Party” and “Ajay’s Farewell Party”. I have also added a lot of pictures to the Family section. Check them out…!
Three New Albums
I’ve added three new albums. “Garba 2003”, “Dinner at Oregano’s” and “Showteam Club Carwash”. Enjoy! I have a dozen or so more pictures to add – these are of my parents and I’m going to add them tomorrow to the “Family” Album. Sadhana – are you happy now? 😉
Dancing tonight was fun. I need to learn more… I can’t wait for Comp Ex next semester.
We had Garba tonight. It was GREAT! So much fun! I love dancing!! Woohoo! The dandia was pretty good too! And the WOMEN… soooooo GORGEOUS!
Sometimes, people don’t realize the effect they have on others.
New Phone
Aha! I have a new phone! And I got it for $20!! T-Mobile exchanged that old crappy phone I had for a new one. This has a colour screen and has multi-tone ringing! My midterm went ok I think… Oracle is being a biznatch.
Piano Stealers
They took away the other piano that was in the MU. Now they might put some stupid store in it’s place. Why? WHY?!