Today was pretty productive. I helped Greg set up the webserver at IPO. Migrated the old website over to the new machine without any problems. I rule… woohoo…
Author: vivin
I hate not being able to come to a solution. Does life have an equation?! Of course not. If it does, it is unsolvable. Or how about a chaotic system? Frequently I find myself rewinding to some point in the past and going “What if I had done that?”. Regret? Sometimes. It depends on my…
Mandelbrot Sets
I’ve generated a couple of Mandelbrot sets. f(z) = f(z – 1)2 + c; f(0) = c and c is complex number (x + iy). They’re pretty sweet looking! I used Perl and GD to generate PNG images. The images are rather huge so please be patient. If you have a dialup connection, be prepared…
Laura and Mandelbrot
Laura left today… This sucks. I can’t wait for the next time they are here. I’ve been generating some Mandelbrot sets with some pretty good results. I’m going to put them up, except they are rather huge… I’ll have to trim them down…
Michael leaves for Massachussetts… again. The past few days have been wonderful – a miniature version of how things used to be about seven months ago. You take so many things for granted. It really is true… you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone…
New Year
Happy New Year. I hope this one will be interesting as well.
Ok… Maybe it’s because I’ve been doing CSE 430 for hours and hours… or maybe it’s because I haven’t slept in a while – although I don’t feel sleep deprived… but anyway… I just stopped by at the AMPM to get some caffeine and the lady at the counter looked EXACTLY like my CSE 430…
New AC Unit
They put in a whole new AC Unit. It’s top-of-the-line apparently. I even got a digital thermostat interface instead of the old analog one. It’s pretty schweet.
Old Stuff
The Heater in my house won’t work. The maintenance guys worked on it for two days and couldn’t figure out the problem. Then they called the AC tech guy. He looked it for a couple of hours. Then he tells me the problem. The apartment complex is old. And then he shows me this component….
I’ve had it
Ok, I’ve had it with this site. I am going to re-design it. Yes I am. Uhmm. I don’t know when it will be done.