Tomorrow, I leave Laura and Michael. My snowy spring break has come to an end. It was awesome. I will write more about it later. Back to school… stupid school…
Author: vivin
Leaving for Boston
Tomorrow I leave for Boston to see Michael and Laura! Woohoo! I have never been to the east coast. It will be positively Schweet. I can’t wait! Yesterday, I met a girl who told me she had danced with me three years ago. I must have left an impression.
How to get AimExpress working on Mozilla, running on a Linux Box
So, I was at work and I was using AimExpress on the Windows side. I have Exceed running and I was working on some scripts on the AIX box. I didn’t want to switch back and forth, so I tried running AimExpress on Mozilla. This is Mozilla 1.6, and the website says that it supports…
I am thinking about it
Ok, so I’ve been thinking about it, and I think I will start on it soon… coding binge, HERE I COME! I am going to redesign the site completely. I need to stop thinking of it as an app… it is NOT. It is a content displaying thingie tool whatever. So it doesn’t need all…
It is a great conspiracy
So what am I? I’m this poor student with not much money. I have a beat-up Mazda that decides to have a water leak all of a sudden. So here I am, with a car that’s overheating. Yesterday I decide to go to Sun Devil Auto at 8 in the morning. But of course, I…
What do you want?
So if this genie comes up and gives me one wish for what I really want. What would I say? Do I really know? Do we all know what we want? And I mean, what we really want? If I had three wishes, one of the wishes would be that I could have a computer…
Weather Phenomenon
It hailed today. I was in class, so I wasn’t able to see it. But I did see the aftermath. Ice everywhere! It kinda looked like snow. Yup… ice in the sonoran desert. Pretty awesome. I made a little ice man outside Hayden Library. I wish I had a camera so I could take a…
Yes, I hate you too.
Nice Guys
They finish last. It is true. Meet the new Vivin. I am going to be a jerk. You, yeah you! You’re ugly!
Right Brain vs. Left Brain
Right Brain: Just go for it! Use your intuition! Left Brain: Are you stupid? Don’t listen to him! You don’t have enough facts to go on! You don’t want to seem like an idiot! Right Brain: Facts-Shmacts! Whatever! Do you want to lose an opportunity? It’s all right there in front of you! Can’t you…