Excuse the time on this entry. I am donig this through vncviewer. For some reason, I can’t login to my admin section from the cyber-cafe. It is actually 1:40 in the afternoon. Anyway, I got the new AC adapter. It is HUGE and HEAVY. It is a metallic box and lavender in colour. I was…
Author: vivin
New AC adapter and pretty malayalee girls
I got a new AC adapter. I got the electrical shop here to use the cable from my fried Nintendo Gamecube adapter and attach it to a 220V AC to 12V DC (3.25 Amps) adapter. This way I will be able to plug it into my Gamecube and use it… FINALLY! I just hope it…
I am in India right now. It’s been great! I got here on the first. The very next day, I left at 3:30 am for Trivandrum. I got there at around 8:00 am. I got myself a hotel room and met up with Sadhana, Vibha, Rachna and Prakash (Suraj’s brother). It was weird meeting them…
I am going to India and the Middle East for two months! Woohoo! I will be back on the 2nd of September. AT was fun. I might be getting a medal!
I have all seven seasons of ST: DS9! Woohoo!
Wisdom Teeth
I have been living on Tylenol for the past two days. My wisdom teeth have started to emerge from my lower jaw. The upper ones have been no trouble. The lower left one was no trouble either. However, the lower right one refuses to behave like his brothers. It is an eruption of pain. Day…
I’ve been watching DS9. I never got into it when it was playing. But now I’ve been downloading all the episodes. I’ve already downloaded the first three seasons. It’s been easy with my DSL speed upgrade! It seems pretty interesting – the shows. Not as good as TNG, but still good. I can’t wait till…
What I Can’t Have
There are many things in life that come to me easily. There is, however, one thing that eludes me. I cannot have it no matter how hard I try. Very much like Tantalus’ grapes. But I am not disheartened. I believe even if I may not eventually have what I want, it is the struggle…
This is great. I haven’t been home at all. Last week I was in LA. This week I am in SD. I love it. Just having tons of fun. I will be back in Arizona on Monday. Right now I’m chilling with my cousins and my sister in SD. My parents were here last week….
Bumped Up
I bumped up my line speed from 640k/256k to 1.5M/896k. Expect faster downloads from here!