A few months ago, Josh, Michael, and I went backpacking up in Payson. I took a few pictures. I’ll put them all up here… someday. But here are a few that I really liked. Hillside Creek in the early morning I took this one on the second (and last) day of our trip, before we…
Author: vivin
Arizona Thunderstorm
There is a thunderstorm brewing outside. One of the many we’ve had over the past couple of weeks. Thunderstorms in Arizona are quite simply, amazing. Dark clouds roil in the sky. They look like herds of elephants. If you look hard enough, you can even see some of them. A trunk here… a tusk there……
Great Weekend
This past weekend was awesome. My sister and my cousins came down from California to hang out with me. However, that was only part of the reason. Their coming over was part of an elaborate scheme to throw a surprise going-away-party for me. I was originally going to leave on August 11th, but that date…
You Can Start Looking Now
I know I haven’t posted in a while. That’s mainly because I’ve been busy and lazy – an interesting combination. I was having my military training over the past two weeks, so I really didn’t have time to update my journal. In addition, my DSL service is being really flaky. I’m dropping connection and then…
Mailserver troubles
I was running portupgrade -a on my FreeBSD machine when I discovered some problems. The first problem had to do with the size of my mail queue. I kept getting a “452 Insufficient system storage” message from Microsoft Outlook, along with an error code of 0x800CCC0F. I am running Postfix, and so had to edit…
innerHTML alternative for XHTML documents in Firefox
I finally figured out an alternative to using innerHTML for an XHTML document in Firefox.
innerHTML and createContextualFragment problems when Firefox renders XHTML
If any of you use Firefox, then you’ll have noticed that the “Preview Comment” feature doesn’t work anymore. It stopped working after I converted this site over to XHTML. Initially it worked (even though it validated as XHTML 1.1) because I was setting the mime-type to text/html. To make it completely compliant, I set the…
This site is XHTML 1.1 Valid
I finally got this site to validate! The folks over here were really helpful, and pointed out that I wasn’t assigning values to my objects’ style attributes properly. For example, I was doing: instead of: The second way is the correct way because it is important to specify units for your attributes. In addition, Firefox…
I love this girl
Here’s an inanity: I am totally in love with this girl (more pictures here). I was at Sadhana’s house one day, and her amma was watching some Tamil movie. The “song and dance” sequence was on, and I see this really cute girl on the screen. So I immediately turn to Kala Aunty and go…
Live! Preview and XHTML Compatibility
I’ve added a new feature called “Live Preview”. You can see your comment as it will appear, right as you type it. I randomly just came up with the idea yesterday – I figured I could use the same code I have in place for the preview, for the Live Preview as well. I just…