In Spring 3, it’s very easy to get a view to return JSON. However, there is no built-in mechanism to return JSONP. I was able to find a pretty good tutorial That uses Spring’s DelegatingFilterProxy. I implemented this solution and I got it to work, but I didn’t like the fact that I had to…
Author: vivin
How a Wired article sent the price of Bitcoins skyrocketing
Disclaimer: I am not an economist and I do not claim to have more than a freshman level understanding of it either. Economics was not my favorite subject and I often find it perplexing. What follows is only based on observation; I may not have considered all variables (mainly due to my ignorance of them)….
Ghost in the Machine
Yes, I know this is not a very original title, but it’s all I could think of. I’m a skeptical person (being an engineer and all) and although I love reading and listening to ghost stories, I’ve always thought that there is a scientific explanation for supernatural stories that I’ve heard. I don’t believe in…
Integrating Regula with Spring 3.0.x MVC
A little less than a year ago, I released Regula, an annotation-based form-validation written in Javascript. The source and documentation are available on GitHub. I started working on the integration on and off throughout most of last year. At the end of the year, I had a pretty good integration going, where you could annotate…
Packaging and distributing taglibs in a JAR
This is more of a “note to self” than a “how to”. If you’re trying to distribute tag files in a JAR, you need to put them under /META-INF/tags. You then need to create a TLD file that you also put under /META-INF/tags. If you have tags or functions that you created in Java, and…
Scumbag Steve and Y U NO guy
I made a pretty picture…
… with some numbers I found on the Internet.
I drew this during a meeting
It’s brown marker on napkin.
Mono on Ubuntu: Package dotnet35 was not found in the pkg-config search path
I’m taking a C# and .NET class at ASU East. Our professor has example code that runs on Windows and the Mac (using Mono). I installed mono 2.8 from this link and I was able to get C# code to compile. However, when I tried to run my professor’s build script (he uses ant with…
Bytecode optimization in Java
I learnt something new about bytecode optimization today. In languages like C and C++, if you’re really concerned about efficiency, you can drop into assembly mode and write specific assembly code instead of relying on the compiler to convert your C/C++ code into assembly (compilers can optimize, but not as well as humans in all…