I’ve known about tries for sometime. They’re a pretty neat data-structure for storing and looking-up strings.I decided to try and implement one in Java so that I can learn more about them. I’ll post another article later that goes into some more detail about this implementation, but for now you can check out the source…
Author: vivin
‘I’m really concerned that “too big to fail” has become “too big to trial”‘ — Sen. Elizabeth Warren
Explanation of the dialup sound
Ran into this awesome explanation of the dialup protocol, i.e., the sound you hear from a modem when it dials up.
Sweet, handsome doggie needs a home
My wife and I found a dog that was wandering Hunt Highway between Lindsay and Val Vista. He was pretty scared and shy and after chasing him for about .5 mi we eventually caught up with him at the ranch on Val Vista and Hunt Highway. The folks at the ranch said that they have…
Remembering a great teacher
1995 was a difficult year for me. I had finished the 8th grade at Indian School Muscat. However, instead of joining the 9th grade with my friends, I had to move to an entirely new school, Indian School Al-Ghubra, which was much further away and worse, was our arch-rival. My first few weeks at the…
The Feast
Inspired by The Codeless Code: The master was meditating when a priest respectfully entered his chamber. The master opened his eyes. The priest bowed respectfully and said, “Master, I would like you to look at the code of a young disciple of mine”. The master nodded and followed the priest to a computer. On the…
Data and Code
Inspired by The Codeless Code: A novice monk had just started learning assembly programming when he was troubled by doubt. He approached his master and asked: “Master, how do I know which is code and which is data?” The master who was meditating, opened his eyes, smiled, and said: “Each is the other, yet neither…
Pictures from our anniversary balloon-ride
I booked a balloon-ride for my wife and I for our second anniversary. It was the first time that both she and I had even been on a balloon. It was an awesome experience and a whole lot of fun. These are a few pictures from that trip. I’ve touched up some of these pictures…
Indenting XML and HTML from vim
vim has an awesome feature, using which you can pipe a range through an external command. This is pretty useful if you’re opening up an un-indented or poorly-indented XML or HTML file. If you want to indent your entire file, simply do the following: :%!tidy -i -xml -q The -i option tells tidy that it…
The Problem With Patents (Infographic)
Source: http://frugaldad.com