The past few days at the summit have been amazing. I feel humbled and honored to be among such accomplished individuals, and have to keep pinching myself to make sure that this isn't a dream. Meeting a lot of new people at the same time isn't an easy thing for me because I'm an introvert. But this wasn't an issue here... I met people just like me -- people who are intensely passionate about something in their lives and want to change the world by following that passion. People who will entertain your nerdy notions, who will enthusiastically engage you in conversation about some obscure bit of interesting trivia, who won't laugh at you or roll their eyes. I really felt like I belonged.
I'm honored to be part of this family and I'm definitely looking forward to next year's summit!
#pattillmanfoundation #pattillmanleadershipsummit #ptls2018 #2018tillmanscholars