So I'm sure you've noticed that this website was down for a while. It went down about three weeks ago when one of the (two) hard-drives on my server died due to bad sectors; it was eight years old. I didn't panic (too much), because my WordPress database was on the main drive, which is still alive. However, my home directory was on the bad drive and I hadn't backed up in a while (sigh), and so I lost some images that I had uploaded. What baffled me were my WordPress uploads. I was sure that I had installed WordPress on my main drive, but when I went to search for it, I couldn't find any trace of the install. Due to this, I've lost a few images and I'm not sure if I'll be able to replace them unfortunately. Oh well.
Also, I must bid farewell to a dear and old friend: my webserver enterprise. I set up my webserver almost 10 years ago (running FreeBSD of course), and she has been serving me faithfully for all this time. Over the years I've dealt with all kinds of disasters and I've been able to keep her running. However, after this latest disaster I've realized that I just don't have the time to maintain and administer a server anymore; it's hard to do with a full-time job and with a full-load at school (did I mention that I am doing my Masters?). Therefore, I've moved my site over to dreamhost. The cool thing is that they also offer shell access too, which in my opinion is absolutely indispensable. It took me a little while to migrate my WordPress installation over (I had to work out a few kinks), but now it looks like everything is running smoothly.
On that note, I'm looking forward to less server-administration and more blogging!