I probably should document my code. It's not cool coming back to it after three months and wondering what the hell you were smoking when you wrote it.
I managed to figure out (vaguely) how I got fly working. I know I did something weird to the makefiles. I think I had to link it explicitly or something. Anyway, I can add Photos properly now. All I need to do is finish the "Delete Photos" and "Update Photos" option. Then I can put up the photo album for real. I need to make a non IE5.5+ version too... so that other people can use the photo album at least. I wish everyone would use IE. Seriously. Alright, alright... now you're probably thinking "What? You can't say that! That's an affront to nerds everywhere!"... Microsoft is Evil, but it sure as hell makes my coding a whole lot easier if everyone just stuck to IE. Then there's .001% Mozilla crowd going. Oh Mozilla is SOOOOOO much better than IE and Microsoft is Evil and you're a traitor! Yeah whatever. Makes my job SOOOOOO much easier. Stick to IE and while you're at it, PLEASE upgrade to the latest version - i.e 6.0 (eh? eh? get the pun?) If you're still using IE4.0, that was sooo 4 years ago! UPGRADE!