I was trying to get the Artifactory OSS 6.3.3 running on Ubuntu 18.04 and ran into issues described in RTFACT-16909. The issue is that there are systemd changes in 18.04 that make the handling of PID files much stricter. When Artifactory starts up as a service, systemd runs /opt/jfrog/artifactory/bin/artifactoryManage.sh as root. But the script then…
Tag: ubuntu
Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and Windows 7 dual-boot
In my previous post I talked about the problems I had while installing Ubuntu and Windows 7 on my Alienware m7700 laptop. It took me about three days of hair-pulling before I was finally able to get it to work. First, I burnt a new copy of the ISO for Ubuntu 9.04. Then, I enabled…
Ubuntu and Win7 problems
Yesterday I decided to reformat my Alienware m7700 Area-51 machine. It’s supposedly a laptop, but it’s actually a beast and it has a power supply that emits as much power as a small nuclear plant. Anyway, I put in a 500Gb and a 120Gb drive, with the 120Gb as a slave. The machine comes with…
Apache2 and .htaccess with mod_rewrite on Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron)
Apparently the default settings for .htaccess files and URL rewrites in Ubuntu (8.04 anyway) is kinda jacked. Apache wasn’t seeing my .htaccess files, and even after setting up the configuration correctly, I was getting Internal Server (500) errors from .htaccess files. The default setting for Apache2 on Ubuntu for .htaccess is “ignore it”. You need…
There is no Windows 7
Here is a first look at the Windows 7 beta. All I could really get from the review was that “it’s done”, and that it “feels snappier” and that it is “more responsive”. In the screenshots it still looks like Vista. The taskbar reminds me of KDE. A bunch of torrent sites have the beta…