I have been working a project for the last few days, that deals with rendering PDF’s in-browser. Initially, I was going to parse the PDF and extract the text content, but then I ran into pdf.js, which is a library developed by Mozilla for rendering PDF’s in-browser via JavaScript. The project I am working on…
Tag: mozilla
How to get AimExpress working on Mozilla, running on a Linux Box
So, I was at work and I was using AimExpress on the Windows side. I have Exceed running and I was working on some scripts on the AIX box. I didn’t want to switch back and forth, so I tried running AimExpress on Mozilla. This is Mozilla 1.6, and the website says that it supports…
CUPS working
Got CUPS working. I really should document my work… smb://vivin@excelsior/HPDeskjet812C… Anyways, all I have left to do is set up the colour scheme and stuff like that… of KDE… and install Mozilla again… Fun… Fun…
More FreeBSD
I learnt some new stuff. CvsUP is pretty neat. I learnt the hard way that when you do a make buildworld you have rebuild the kernel the non-traditional way. My kernel wasn’t compiling and for a moment I thought I would have to go through all that madness with write failure on transfers again. See,…
Your own code. Use IE.
I probably should document my code. It’s not cool coming back to it after three months and wondering what the hell you were smoking when you wrote it. I managed to figure out (vaguely) how I got fly working. I know I did something weird to the makefiles. I think I had to link it…